Sabbath bells are ringing over hill and dale,
Listen while their music swells,
Ev'rywhere we hear them at this holy hour,
This is what each glad note tells:
"O come away, From work and play,
God's will obey On His holy Day !"
Sabbath bells are ringing
thro'the country lanes,
Ringing thro' the city streets,
Joining one another in the sweet refrain,
This is what each call repeats:
Sabbath bells are ringing out
their welcome chime,
Meant for ev'ry mortal ear.
Let us heed the message of this holy time,
Answer when their call we hear.
"The Sabbath Bells"
Lyrics Edith Sanford Tillotson
Music I.H.Meredith
"The Sabbath Bells" (Sunday School Hymns No.2 #93) Arranged by KS 10/07/27